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Welcome to the Schools Association
Football International Board

Welcome to the SAFIB website.  We hope it provides you with useful information and news from an organisation that focuses on football for young people who attend school.  This website aims to keep you up to date with SAFIB's work, competitions and news.  If you have any queries regarding SAFIB, or represent an Association that may wish to join SAFIB, then please use the Contact section to get in touch. 

CONSTITUTION (latest version adopted September 2012)

Schools’ Association Football International Board


The Association shall be called The Schools’ Association Football International Board (referred to hereinafter as ‘The Board’)

The objects of the Board shall be to:
• To promote the welfare of Schoolboy/Schoolgirl football
• To regulate and control the playing of International and Inter-School matches in competitions organised by the Board
• To regulate and control the playing of Invitation matches organised under the auspices of the Board
• To foster the mental, moral, physical and social development of schoolboys and schoolgirls through the medium of Association Football.

Membership of the Board shall be open to the Schools’ Football Association of a country and the Youth Section of National Football Associations/Federations, as recognised by the National Governing Body of that country.

Any one country shall be limited to a single representative Association in each of the categories above. Representation shall be subject to the approval of the National governing Body of that country and agreed by The Board.

Each Association in Membership shall be invited to donate an agreed amount annually payable on the day of the Annual General Meeting to the Board Account in the charge of the Secretary/Treasurer for payment of expenses incurred by the Board.

The Board shall be formed by a maximum of two representatives from each Association in Membership. Any representative unable to attend a meeting may be replaced by a deputy who shall have the same status as the representative being replaced.

Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting shall take place on an agreed date at an agreed venue in September each year.

The Annual General Meeting shall include the following business:
• Constitution and rules
• Consideration of the annual accounts for the preceding year
• Election of Office-Bearers and Auditor
• Election of Executive Committee
• Association Membership & Level of Recommended Donation
• Determination of Competitions
• Any other business.

Business for the meeting must be submitted in writing to the Secretary not later than one calendar month before the AGM.

At the Annual General Meeting each Member Association shall be permitted to record one vote only.
Office Bearers
The Officer Bearers of the Board shall be:
• Chairman
• Vice Chairman
• Secretary/Treasurer
• Assistant Secretary

These Office Bearers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Board and shall hold office for a year. The Offices of Chairman and Vice Chairman shall be filled annually on a rota basis from the Associations in Membership. The Offices of Secretary/Treasurer and Assistant Secretary shall be open for annual re-election.

The Secretary/Treasurer and Assistant Secretary shall be responsible for managing the affairs of the Board, subject to any direction provided by the Annual General Meeting, an Extraordinary General Meeting or the Executive Committee.

The Funds of the Association shall be lodged in a bank to be fixed by the Executive Committee in the name of the Secretary/Treasurer, who shall be responsible for all transactions and shall maintain appropriate records of same.
The Income and Expenditure Accounts for each year shall be audited by an Auditor appointed at the Annual General Meeting. A statement of the Annual Accounts of the Board shall be submitted to each Annual General Meeting. The Financial year for The Board shall be 1st July to 30th June.

The authorised signatory for banking purposes shall be the Secretary/Treasurer, who shall be entitled to authorise payments or withdrawals.

Extraordinary General Meetings
The Secretary/Treasurer shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting within a month of receiving an application, stating the business of the meeting, from one Member Association in and which is endorsed by at least two other Member Associations. The venue, date and time of such Meeting shall be fixed by the Secretary/Treasurer and the only business for the meeting shall be that contained in the application.

At an Extraordinary General Meeting each Member Association shall be permitted to record one vote only.

Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. It will consist of:
• The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary/Treasurer
• Three representatives from British Isles Associations
• Three representatives of Member Associations located outwith the British Isles.

The Assistant Secretary will also attend Executive Committee meetings.

The Executive Committee shall meet on a minimum of one occasion per year. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the organisation of the Board’s business, including:
• Determination of business for general meetings
• Sponsorship partnerships
• Development and Management of Competitions
• Development of Communications

The Executive Committee shall have the power to form sub-committees as it deems appropriate. Membership of sub-committees shall not be restricted to Executive Committee members only but such additional members must receive prior approval from the Executive Committee.

At meetings of the Executive Committee each Committee member shall have one vote, while the Chair of the meeting shall have a deliberative and a casting vote.

Emergency Powers
In the case of an emergency arising where the time factor does not allow for the calling of an Executive Committee Meeting, the Secretary shall have the power to make a decision by conferring with the Office Bearers, the decision reached to be the majority view of those consulted. Any decision so reached must, however, be ratified by the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

Alteration to Constitution
In the event of any alteration being deemed necessary to the Constitution of the Board, notice of the proposed alteration shall be sent in writing to the Secretary to arrive in his hands no later than fourteen days before any proposed General Meeting. The Office-bearers shall have power to form amongst themselves a sub-committee and present that sub-committee’s proposed alterations at any General Meeting, provided fourteen days’ notice of proposed alterations is given to all Member Associations, and provided a seconder is forthcoming from the floor of the meeting.

Any proposal to alter the Constitution requires the support of two-thirds of Member Associations present and voting for such alteration to be implemented.

In the event of a decision being made by a General Meeting of the Board to dissolve the Board, said decision requiring the support of two-thirds of Member Associations present and voting, then the same meeting shall determine the disbursement of residual funds upon dissolution, bearing in mind the Board’s objectives.

Constitution Adopted at the Annual General Meeting
14 September 2012

Schools Association Football International Board
Schools Association Football International Board
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